Current Projects
Source of Support | Role | Title | Award to Villarini | Award Period |
FM | Lead PI | Joint Research Agreement | $340,833 [Total award: $340,833] | 1/1/2025–12/31/2027 |
Department of Defense | Lead PI | Assessment of Decadal Climate Predictions in Support of DoD Activities to Bridge Across the Weather-to-Climate Continuum | $663,567 [Total award: $867,550] | 12/12/2024–12/11/2026 |
Department of Defense (subaward) | Lead PI | Improving Climate Resilience of DOD Installation and Surrounding Community Infrastructure RC Project | $25,370 [Total award: $25,370] | 11/15/2024–12/21/2026 |
Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) | Lead PI | Probabilistic predictions of rainfall associated with tropical cyclones over land | $391,000 [Total award: $391,000] | 8/23/2024–8/22/2027 |
Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System | Lead PI | Expanding the capabilities of the SHiELD modeling framework to high-resolution flood inundation modeling | $112,300 [Total award: $112,300] | 7/1/2024–2/28/2026 |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (subaward) | PI | Co-LEARN: A Midwestern Community of Learning for Empowerment, Climate Adaptation and Resilience for the Next Generation | $179,169 [Total award: $6,000,000] | 9/1/2023– 8/31/2028 |
US Department of Defense | Lead PI | Development of a decision support aid system connecting climate model downscaling and DoD infrastructure | $487,074 [Total award: $1,217,735] | 12/1/2022–11/30/2025 |
Past Projects
Source of Support | Role | Title | Award to Villarini | Award Period |
Department of Defense | Lead PI | Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) with the Department of Defense: Hydrologic and Flood Risk Products | $81,833.34 [Total award: $81,833.34] | 7/18/2024–1/31/2025 |
State of Louisiana Office of Community Development (subaward) | Lead PI | Office of Community Development, State of Louisiana CEA: Coastwide Transition Zone Compound Flooding Implementation | $75,000 [Total award: $75,000] | 5/1/2024–12/31/2024 |
North Atlantic Treaty Organization | Lead PI | NATO STO CMRE (Science and Technology Organisation - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation) - Year 2 | $120,000 [Total award: $120,000] | 2/27/2024– 12/31/2024 |
City of Jacksonville (subaward) | Lead PI | Citywide Probabilistic and Compound Flood Model and Real Time Forecasting System | $50,000 [Total award: $50,000] | 1/1/2024– 12/31/2024 |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (subaward) | Lead PI | Building relationships of reciprocity among researchers and marginalized groups for resilience in the Central Midwest | $47,120 [Total award: $99,954] | 12/1/2022–11/30/2024 |
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (subaward) | Lead PI | GLO Flood Studies - Region 1 (Phase 3) | $267,895 [Total award: $267,895] | 10/21/2022–8/14/2024 |
Texas Water Development Board (subaward) | Lead PI | Literature Review on relevant models & probabilistic analysis for flood hazard characterizations, and development of workflows for compound flood hazard assessment in the Coastal Texas Region | $105,861 [Total award: $105,861] | 8/1/2023–7/31/2024 |
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (subaward) | Lead PI | GLO Flood Studies - Region 2 (Phase 3) | $292,120 [Total award: $292,120] | 9/25/2022–7/1/2024 |
North Atlantic Treaty Organization | Lead PI | NATO STO CMRE (Science and Technology Organisation - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation) | $159,000 [Total award: $159,000] | 8/1/2023–1/31/2024 |
National Institutes of Health | Co-PI | Statistical and agent-based modeling of complex microbial systems: A means for understanding enteric disease transmission among children in urban neighborhoods of Kenya | $20,826 [Total award: $109,453] | 8/30/2022–5/31/2023 |
Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Iowa | Lead PI | Building Connected Communities in Rural Watersheds: Collaborative Partnerships for Actionable Science | $50,000 [Total award: $50,000] | 6/1/2022–05/31/2023 |
Iowa Department of Transportation | Lead PI | Projected Changes in Flood Peak Discharge across Iowa: A Flood Frequency Perspective | $313,923 [Total award: $313,923] | 3/1/2020–2/28/2023 |
Thomas Jefferson Fund | Lead PI | Attribution and Projections of Changes in Discharge Across Africa and the Euro-Mediterranean Region | $10,000 [Total award: $10,000] | 9/1/2019– 8/31/2023 |
National Science Foundation | Lead PI | Quantification of the Impacts of Urban Areas on Heavy Rainfall and Flooding from North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones | $399,934 [Total award: $399,934] | 4/15/2019– 3/31/2023 |
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (subaward) | Lead PI | Flood Studies within Combined River Basins For Texas (GLO): Dannenbaum | $191,500 [Total award: $191,500] | 5/11/2021–3/15/2023 |
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (subaward) | Lead PI | Statewide high-resolution tropical cyclone rainfall generator and error/bias quantification for Louisiana | $50,000 [Total award: $50,000] | 4/1/2022–9/30/2022 |
National Science Foundation | Co-PI | Support for Young Investigator Participation at the 8th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM8), Iowa City, August 17–19, 2020 | $45,405 (total amount, not the amount of which Dr. Villarini is in charge) | 12/1/2019– 11/30/2022 |
U.S. Geological Survey (via the Iowa Water Center) | Lead PI | Understanding the impacts of corona virus-related reduction in aerosols and pollution on precipitation and discharge across Iowa | $20,000 [Total award: $20,000] | 9/1/2021-8/31/2022 |
National Science Foundation | Co-PI | NRT-INFEWS: Paths to Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Systems in Resource-Limited Communities | $2,999,869 (total amount, not the amount of which Dr. Villarini is in charge) | 8/30/2016–8/29/2022 |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (subaward) | Lead PI | GLO Flood Studies - Region 2 (TGL20583) | $83,020 [Total award: $83,020] | 5/27/2021–4/26/2022 |
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (subaward) | Lead PI | Probabilistic modeling of rainfall associated with tropical cyclones affecting Louisiana | $190,095 [Total award: $190,095] | 4/1/2019–11/1/2021 |
Willis Tower Watson | Co-PI | Toward Physically Based and Usable Climate Event Scenarios | $13,457 [Total award: $13,457] | 1/1/2010–12/31/2021 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Lead PI | 2020 IPA with USACE | $150,000 [Total award: $150,000] | 7/1/2020– 12/31/2022 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Lead PI | Impacts of coronavirus-driven reduction in aerosols on precipitation in the Western United States | $63,374 [Total award: $63,374] | 8/6/2020–2/5/2021 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Lead PI | 2018 IPA with USACE | $160,000 [Total award: $160,000] | 9/1/2018– 12/31/2020 |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (subaward) | Lead PI | Hydrometeorological Impacts on Water Quantity and Quality across Iowa’s Streams | $253,496 [Total award: $253,496] | 1/1/2017–12/31/2019 |
Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research | Co-PI | Detection, Attribution and Projection of Changes in Temperature Extremes, Heat Waves and Heat Stress across the U.S. Midwest | $35,000 [Total award: $35,000] | 7/1/2018– 6/30/2019 |
National Science Foundation | Lead PI | CAREER: Temporal Clustering of Hydrometeorological Extremes | $508,405 [Total award: $508,405] | 5/1/2014– 4/30/2019 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Lead PI | Water Resources and Geospatial Analysis: Attribution of Changes and Evaluation of Actionable Climate Information across the Northern Great Plains and the Central United States | $384,471 [Total award: $384,471] | 12/28/2015– 6/30/2018 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Lead PI | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Research Participation Program - Nancy Barth | $165,618 [Total award: $165,618] | 6/1/2015– 5/31/2018 |
U.S. Geological Survey | Lead PI | Development of a Comprehensive Hazard to Loss Modeling Methodology for the Residential Damage Associated with Inland Flooding from North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones | $119,532 [Total award: $119,532] | 9/1/2014– 8/31/2017 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Lead PI | Remote-sensing Based Characterization of Rainfall Associated with Atmospheric Rivers | $90,000 [Total award: $90,000] | 9/1/2014– 8/31/2017 |
NOAA Programs for Disaster Relief Appropriation Act –Non Construction and Construction (subaward) | Lead PI | Skillful Prediction of Seasonal Hurricane Frequency, Track and Fall | $234,537 [Total award: $234,537] | 12/1/2013– 2/28/2018 |
National Science Foundation | Lead PI | Collaborative Research: Understanding and Forecasting North Atlantic and U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclone Activity and Associated Rainfall | $263,206 [Total award: $263,206] | 9/1/2013– 8/31/2017 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Lead PI | IPA Agreement with USACE | $220,000 [Total award: $220,000] | 9/26/2012– 8/31/2016 |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Lead PI | NMME Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts for the Continental United States and Europe: Diagnostic Evaluation and Development of Multi Model Applications | $69,999 [Total award: $69,999] | 8/1/2015– 7/31/2016 |
Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research | Lead PI | How Is Discharge Projected to Change for an Agricultural Watershed in Iowa Over the 21st Century? | $30,000 [Total award: $30,000] | 7/1/2014– 6/30/2016 |
U.S. Geological Survey (via the Iowa Water Center) | Lead PI | Development of a Framework for Discharge Forecasting Over Iowa | $59,929 [Total award: $59,929] | 4/15/2014– 4/14/2016 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Lead PI | IPA Agreement with USACE | $75,000 [Total award: $75,000] | 9/1/2014– 8/31/2015 |
Iowa Nutrient Research Center | Lead PI | Modeling of Nitrate Loads and Concentrations in the Raccoon River | $50,000 [Total award: $50,000] | 7/1/2014– 6/30/2015 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Lead PI | IPA Agreement with USACE | $27,888 [Total award: $27,888] | 9/1/2013– 7/31/2014 |
The amount listed for collaborative projects reflects only the amount of which Dr. Villarini was in charge, unless otherwise stated